Irritable bowel syndrome is a common condition that affects the digestive system with prevalence ranging from 10%-14% in adult population. The actual cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not well understood by the general public. Many IBS patients may not be willing to follow with their doctors continuously. Lions Club of Central therefore would like the production to focus on the background, possible causes of the disease, diagnosis, and treatment. To broaden the scope of our educational programs, we also include the views and treatment from Chinese medicine. By understanding of IBS, it is hoped that patients are more willing to communicate and consult with their doctors to find out the most suitable ways to fight against IBS.
Kick-off Ceremony’ was successfully held on Mar 20, 2021. Several hundred participants from 13 Community Service Centers joined the event online. Dr. Kevin Chan Wai Chung, Gastroenterology & Hepatology and Prof Bian Zhaoxiang, Associate Vice-President (Chinese Medicine Development) of Hong Kong Baptist University answered questions from the participants.
Videos have already been uploaded to facebook / YouTube