Lions Club of Central cares about the children with special need .We visited Benji”s Centre on 20 May 2020 Benji’s Centre, founded in 2004, is the first and only charitable organization providing specialized professional speech therapy tochildren and teenagers with communication problems, especially those from low-income families.Read More
Lions Club of Central hosted our annual New Year luncheon party for 500 elders to welcome the year of the rat. In addition to sumptuous food and entertaining performances, all guests had also received beautiful calligraphy of ‘Huaichun’ and gift bags stuffed with goodies and full of our blessingsRead More
Children cancer has always been a focal service item of Lions Clubs International. Our club organised a workshop for children who had suffered from cancers to teach them the technique of making and decorating soaps. All children were smiling contently after finishing their own masterpieces.Read More
In response to the tremendous challenges brought by the sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), members of Lions Club of Central sensed that elderlies living alone would encounter many difficulties during the fight against the pandemic. Therefore, in addition to donating anti-epidemic materials to many elderly centers, a professional team was invited to cooperate in...Read More
Co-organized with Cordis Hotel, our club arranged a commendable buffet celebrating Christmas for 50 muscular dystrophy patients and their families. Due to their physical conditions, these patients usually find it difficult to have buffets at a regular restaurant, therefore arranging the buffet in a five-star hotel makes this event especially memorable for them.Read More
We celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival for about 100 members from the Association for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. In addition to offering food to these lone living elders; music therapy programs, Tai Chi exercises were also arranged. Our gift bags, of course, also made them feel the warmth of caring from Lions Club of CentralRead More
The official life expectancy for women and men in Hong Kong were 87.66 and 81.7 years becoming the top in global life expectancy ranking. The expected lifespan is getting longer in the world as the advancement of medical technology and better sense of health awareness. We know we need to have balance and healthy life....Read More
八月十七日(星期六)中區獅子會籌辦2019特殊奧運會家庭健康論壇,非常熱鬧! 整天節目豐富,環環緊扣,資訊性的包括有講座分享,然後是輕鬆的歌唱表演節目,爲了實賤我們的主題大會更設有「驗眼服務」為大家即時驗眼,檢視眼睛健康;最後更設立「香香柿子。循環擴香」工作坊,讓大家透過手作享受片刻心𤫊上的調息。 整天節目大家都非常投入,過了一個愉快的週末!Read More
Lions Club of Central was chartered on 1st July 1992. The club originated from the Lioness Club of Hong Kong (Host) established in 1979, which provided the main source of our charter members. Our Club is one of the all-female Lions Clubs under the Lions Clubs International District 303 Hong Kong & Macau, China . There are over twenty members from various professions and trades like education, manufacturing and trading, food & beverage, jewelry, insurance, medical service & executives. We share the common goal of serving the community especially the elderly. We offer our caring and loving service to the people in need.