Affiliate & Friendship Organizations

Affiliate & Friendship Organizations

Leo Club of Central

Leo Club of Central

Chartered in 1998, the Leo Club of Central was sponsored by the Lions Club of Central, an all female club established in 1998. Our members share the common goal of serving the community, offering our caring and loving service to people in need. For more than two decades, we have conducted a wide variety of services and our service recipients ranged from lone-living elderly, the visually impaired, new immigrant families, children from less privileged backgrounds, to name just a few.

It has been the tradition of our Leos organising fundraising activities independently. All funds raised would be allocated to the service projects as planned by the project committee. Through planning and execution of the fundraising activities and service projects, members have broadened their horizons and gained invaluable leadership experience.

Currently, our members, aged between 16 and 30, are mainly students and young working adults. It is hoped that their experience with the Leo Club would breed both outstanding leadership skills and compassion for the less advantaged sectors of the community.  

Stay tuned to our social platform and pay attention to the latest development. We look forward to your participation!






Leo Club of Central Central District Youth Lions Club

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